MAUI Routing in the Shell: A Comprehensive Guide to Seamless Navigation
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MAUI Routing in the Shell: A Comprehensive Guide to Seamless Navigation

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Are you tired of tediously navigating through your .NET MAUI application, struggling to find the perfect route? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of MAUI routing in the Shell, providing you with a clear and concise guide to creating seamless navigation experiences. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

What is MAUI Routing in the Shell?

MAUI Routing in the Shell is a powerful feature that allows you to navigate between pages in your .NET MAUI application using a routing mechanism similar to web development. This feature is built on top of the Xamarin.Forms Shell, which provides a unique way of navigating between pages using a URI-based system.

Why Use MAUI Routing in the Shell?

So, why should you use MAUI Routing in the Shell? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Easy Navigation: With MAUI Routing in the Shell, you can easily navigate between pages using a simple and intuitive URI-based system.
  • Declarative Routing: You can define your routes declaratively, making it easy to manage and maintain your application’s navigation.
  • Flexible and Customizable: MAUI Routing in the Shell provides a high degree of flexibility and customizability, allowing you to tailor your navigation experience to your application’s specific needs.

Setting Up MAUI Routing in the Shell

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of MAUI Routing in the Shell, let’s take a look at how to set it up in your .NET MAUI application:

<Shell xmlns=""



In the code snippet above, we’ve defined two routes: `login` and `home`. Each route has a corresponding view associated with it, which will be displayed when the route is navigated to.

Now that we have our routes set up, let’s take a look at how to navigate between pages using MAUI Routing in the Shell:

To navigate to a page, you can use the `Shell.Current.GoToAsync()` method, passing in the URI of the page you want to navigate to:

private async void NavigateToHomePage()
    await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//home");

In the code snippet above, we’re navigating to the `home` page by passing in the URI `//home` to the `GoToAsync()` method.

Passing Parameters Between Pages

Sometimes, you may need to pass parameters between pages. With MAUI Routing in the Shell, you can do this by adding parameters to the URI:

private async void NavigateToHomePage(string username)
    await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"//home?username={username}");

In the code snippet above, we’re passing in the `username` parameter to the `home` page by adding it to the URI.

Advanced Routing Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics of MAUI Routing in the Shell, let’s dive into some more advanced routing techniques:

Route Patterns

Route patterns allow you to create flexible routes that can match multiple URIs. You can define a route pattern using the `Route.pattern` property:


In the code snippet above, we’ve defined a route pattern that matches URIs with the format `account/{username}`. The `{username}` token is replaced with the actual value passed in the URI.

Route Groups

Route groups allow you to group multiple routes together, making it easier to manage and maintain your application’s navigation. You can define a route group using the `RouteGroup` element:


In the code snippet above, we’ve defined a route group that contains two routes: `account/{username}` and `account/{username}/settings`. Both routes are grouped together, making it easier to manage and maintain.

Troubleshooting MAUI Routing in the Shell

Like any complex feature, MAUI Routing in the Shell can be prone to errors and issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve common problems:

Error Solution
Route not found Check that the route is defined correctly in your Shell.xaml file and that the URI is correct.
Navigation not working Check that the `Shell.Current.GoToAsync()` method is being called correctly and that the URI is correct.
Parameter not being passed Check that the parameter is being passed correctly in the URI and that the receiving page is correctly handling the parameter.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve most common issues with MAUI Routing in the Shell.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of MAUI Routing in the Shell, from setting up routes to navigating between pages and passing parameters. We’ve also explored advanced routing techniques, such as route patterns and route groups. Finally, we’ve provided some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve common issues.

By mastering MAUI Routing in the Shell, you’ll be able to create seamless navigation experiences in your .NET MAUI applications, providing your users with a more intuitive and engaging experience.

Happy coding!

  • Further Reading:
  1. MAUI Shell Navigation
  2. MAUI Shell Routing

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to navigate the world of MAUI routing in the Shell with our top 5 FAQs!

What is MAUI Routing in the Shell?

MAUI Routing in the Shell is a navigation framework that allows you to navigate between pages in your .NET MAUI app. It provides a simple and flexible way to define routes, pass parameters, and handle navigation.

How do I define a route in MAUI Routing?

To define a route in MAUI Routing, you need to create an instance of the Route class and add it to the Routes collection of the Shell. You can define the route pattern, the page type, and any parameters that need to be passed.

How do I navigate to a page using MAUI Routing?

To navigate to a page using MAUI Routing, you can use the GoToAsync method of the ShellNavigationState class, passing in the route pattern and any required parameters. You can also use the NavigateTo method of the Shell class.

Can I pass parameters to a page using MAUI Routing?

Yes, you can pass parameters to a page using MAUI Routing by including them in the route pattern. When navigating to the page, you can pass the parameter values as a dictionary to the GoToAsync method.

Is MAUI Routing compatible with Xamarin.Forms?

MAUI Routing is part of the .NET MAUI framework, which is the successor to Xamarin.Forms. While MAUI Routing is not directly compatible with Xamarin.Forms, it provides a similar navigation framework for .NET MAUI apps.