What are the substitutes or alternatives for GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards?
Image by Eldora - hkhazo.biz.id

What are the substitutes or alternatives for GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards?

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GTInspector, a popular tool for debugging and inspecting objects in Pharo Smalltalk, has been deprecated since Pharo 10. This change has left many developers wondering what alternatives or substitutes are available to fill the void. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the deprecation, and more importantly, provide you with practical alternatives to GTInspector that you can use in Pharo 10 and beyond.

The Rise and Fall of GTInspector

GTInspector was introduced in Pharo 3.0 as a replacement for the traditional Inspector tool. It quickly gained popularity among developers due to its flexibility, customizability, and ease of use. However, over time, GTInspector became bloated, and its maintenance became a significant burden. The Pharo team decided to deprecate GTInspector in favor of more lightweight and maintainable alternatives.

Why was GTInspector deprecated?

Several reasons contributed to the deprecation of GTInspector:

  • Maintenance complexity**: GTInspector’s codebase grew too complex, making it difficult to maintain and update.
  • Performance issues**: GTInspector’s architecture led to performance problems, especially when dealing with large objects.
  • Limited extensibility**: GTInspector’s design made it challenging to extend or customize it without modifying its core code.
  • Incompatibility with Pharo’s new architecture**: Pharo’s shifting architecture and the introduction of new tooling frameworks made GTInspector’s integration challenging.

Alternatives to GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards

Luckily, Pharo provides several alternatives to GTInspector that cater to different debugging and inspection needs. We’ll explore each of these alternatives in detail:

1. Pharo’s Built-in Inspector

The built-in Inspector is a lightweight, simple, and easy-to-use tool for inspecting objects. While it doesn’t offer the same level of customization as GTInspector, it’s a great choice for quick inspections and debugging:

inspector := ToolsetInspector new.
inspector inspect: anObject.

The built-in Inspector provides basic features like navigation, property inspection, and object visualization.

2. GT Objects

GT Objects is a new debugging and inspection framework introduced in Pharo 10. It’s designed to be lightweight, modular, and highly customizable. GT Objects provides a more modern and extensible alternative to GTInspector:

gtObjects := GTObjects new.
gtObjects inspect: anObject.

GT Objects offers features like object visualization, property inspection, and navigation, as well as support for custom plugins and extensions.

3. Glamorous Toolkit (GT)

Glamorous Toolkit (GT) is a comprehensive, modular, and extensible tooling framework for Pharo. While it’s not a direct replacement for GTInspector, GT provides a wide range of tools and features for debugging, inspection, and visualization:

gt := GTDebugger new.
gt inspect: anObject.

GT includes tools like the Debugger, Inspector, and Visualizer, which can be used separately or combined to create custom debugging workflows.

4. Spike

Spike is a lightweight, open-source tool for debugging and inspecting objects in Pharo. It’s designed to be easy to use and provides a clean, minimalistic interface:

spike := Spike new.
spike inspect: anObject.

Spike offers features like object visualization, property inspection, and navigation, making it a great alternative to GTInspector for simple debugging tasks.

Comparison of Alternatives

To help you choose the best alternative to GTInspector, we’ve created a comparison table highlighting the features and characteristics of each option:

Alternative Customizability Extensibility Performance Complexity
Built-in Inspector Low Low High Low
GT Objects High High Medium Medium
Glamorous Toolkit (GT) Very High Very High Medium High
Spike Medium Medium High Low


In conclusion, while the deprecation of GTInspector may have caused initial concern, Pharo 10 and beyond offer a range of alternatives that cater to different debugging and inspection needs. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative, you can choose the best tool for your specific use case and continue to develop and debug with confidence.

Remember, GTInspector’s deprecation is an opportunity to explore new and improved tools that will help you become a more efficient and effective Pharo developer.

Additional Resources

For more information on the alternatives mentioned in this article, please refer to the following resources:

We hope this article has helped you navigate the world of GTInspector alternatives in Pharo 10 and beyond. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you missing GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards and looking for alternatives? Worry no more! We’ve got you covered. Here are some substitutes you can use:

What is the replacement for GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards?

The replacement for GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards is the `Inspector` class. It provides similar functionality and is easily accessible from the Pharo system.

Can I use the `Debugger` class as an alternative to GTInspector?

Yes, you can use the `Debugger` class as an alternative to GTInspector. It provides step-by-step debugging and insulation, allowing you to inspect and modify objects during execution.

Is there a third-party tool that can replace GTInspector?

Yes, you can use the `Object Explorer` tool, which is part of the `Pharo Extra Tools` package. It provides a graphical interface for inspecting and exploring objects, similar to GTInspector.

Can I still use GTInspector in Pharo 10 onwards?

No, GTInspector is no longer supported in Pharo 10 onwards. It has been replaced by the `Inspector` class, and other alternatives are available.

How do I access the Inspector class in Pharo?

You can access the Inspector class in Pharo by selecting an object in the Pharo workspace and then using the `Inspect` menu item or shortcut (usually Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows or Command+Shift+I on Mac).